Constitution Class Starship |

Constitution Class Starship
Category: Exploratory Cruiser
Expected Duration: 70 years Time Between Resupply: 3 years Time Between Refit: 5 years PersonnelOfficers: 115 Enlisted Crew: 450 Marines: 144 Passengers: 110 SpeedCruising Velocity: Warp 6
Maximum Velocity: Warp 7.9
Deck |
Description |
1 |
Bridge, Captain's Ready Room, Briefing Room |
2 |
Junior and Senior Officers' Quarters, VIP/Guest Quarters, VIP Dining Room, Main Communications Array |
3 |
Officers' Quarters, Officers' Mess, Upper Impulse Assembly, Main Shield Generators |
4 |
NCO Quarters, Enlisted Crew Mess, Galley, Lower Impulse Assembly, Fusion Reactors 1-4, Impulse Engines, Transporter
Room 1 |
5 |
Main Phaser and Fire Control, Auxiliary Control Room and Support, Engineering Support, Deuterium Storage, Fusion
Reactors 5-8, Impulse Engines |
6 |
Primary Life Support Systems, Primary Computer Core Control, Deuterium Feed Conduits, Deuterium Injectors |
7 |
Cargo Bays 1 & 2, Cargo Transporters 1 & 2, Sickbay, Chief Medical Officer's Office, Primary Science
Labs, Counsellor's Office, Main Computer Cores P/S (Level 1), Deuterium Feed Conduits |
8 |
Main Computer Cores P/S (Level 2), Junior Officers and Crew Quarters, Main Lounge, Secondary Science Labs,
Deuterium Feed Conduits, Lateral Sensors |
9 |
Main Sensor Array, Interconnecting Dorsal/Intermix Shaft/Turbolifts, Armoury, Holding Cells, Chief Tactical
Officer's Office, Deuterium Feed Conduits, Secondary Sensor Array |
10 |
Brig, Transporter Room 2, Interconnecting Dorsal/Intermix Shaft/Turbolifts, Deuterium Storage |
11 |
Shuttle Maintenance 1, Cargo Bays 3-6, Cargo Transporter 3, Upper Engineering Support Area, Machine Shop, Deuterium
Storage, Nacelle Power Transfer Assembly |
12 |
Shuttlebay (Lower), Main Engineering, M/ARA Reaction Assembly, Transporter Room 3, Cargo Transporter 4, Nacelle
Power Transfer Assembly, Nacelle Personnel Conduit |
13 |
Living Quarters, Primary Systems Support Compartment, Secondary Computer Core (Level 1), Emergency Batteries,
Enlisted Quarters, Secondary Communications Array |
14 |
Forward Torpedo Launchers, Torpedo Magazines, Cargo Bays 7-9, Cargo Transporter 5, Aft Tractor Emitter, Secondary
Computer Core (Level 2), Reserve Deuterium Storage |
15 |
Auxiliary Deflector Control, Aft Phaser and Torpedo Weapon Control, Aft Torpedo Launcher, Torpedo Magazine,
Antimatter Injectors, Secondary Computer Core (Level 3), Gravimetric Polaron Generators |
16 |
Maintenance Bay 1, Emergency Transporter Rooms 1 & 2, Enlisted Quarters |
17 |
Stellar Cartography, Enlisted Quarters, Recreation Deck/Zero-G Gymnasium, Crew Lounge |
18 |
Deflector Control, Main Navigational Deflector, Primary and Emergency Deflector Dish Graviton Polarity Generators,
Subspace Field Distortion Generators |
19 |
Shuttle Maintenance 2, Shuttle Storage, Cargo Transporter 6 Living Quarters |
20 |
Maintenance Bay 2, Living Quarters, Tertiary Multi-purpose Laboratories, Emergency Transporter Rooms 3 &
4 |
21 |
Emergency Fusion Power Generators 1 & 2, Environmental Control, Living Quarters |
22 |
Emergency Fusion Power Generators 3 & 4, Emergency Batteries, Waste Recycling, Secondary Shield Generators |
23 |
Antimatter Storage Tanks, Antimatter Fill Port, Emergency Gravimetric Polaron Generators |
24 |
Antimatter Generator, Tractor Beam Generator, Main Tractor Beam Assembly |