Cause of Death

USS Roman's Commanding Officer
Partially assimalted and then killed by Captain Christian Bell of the USS Freedom
Thomas Make/Human Male

USS Bolivia's Commanding Officer
Died due to his injuries sustained while in combat with the borg.
Corman/Trill Male

OPS Officer USS Yoder
Panel Explostion in face.
Jacob Flustered/Human Male

Chief Engineer USS Yoder
Plasma Explostion Severe Burns
Pual Rems/Human Male

Commanding Officer USS Supernova
Blown out into space
Angie Gex/Trill Female (Joined)

Bridge Operations Officer onboard the USS Freedom
Console exploded in face died from injuries
Genthur Mull/Cardiassian Male

Tacitcal Officer onboard the USS Supernova
Blown out into space
Anthony Flores/Human Male

Helmsmen onboard the USS Atlanta
Panel Exlopded in face
Vortic/Vulcan Male

Fleet Science Officer
Shot by Romulian Solider and died from injuries.
Heather Scoope/Female Trill (Unjoined)

USS Roman First Officer
Assmiulated in borg attack
Tpringing/Vulcan Male

USS Roman Damage Control Officer
Died in attack
Heckep/Vulcan Male

USS Roman Chief Medical Officer
Panel exploded and broke back during combat
Christian Markman/Human Male

USS Roman Promethus Class expert
Assimulated by the borg
Remal/Romulian Male

USS Roman Intell Officer
Killed by COL Scoope after she was assimulated
Keldat/Frengi Male

USS Roman Tactical Officer
Whole bridge station exploded
Jamie Nell/Human Female

USS Yellowstone Commanding Officer
Blown out into space
Alberta Lools/Human Female

USS Yellowstone First Officer
Blown out into space
Gila/Vulcan Female

USS Atlanta Commanding Officer
Explostion related injuries
Varial/Romulian Male

USS Lighting Commanding Officer
Sufficated when main bridge lost life support.

USS Nautlis Tactical Officer
Broken neck due to explostion

Marine Commando Team Lead
Killed by Close Combat Fire

Marine Commando
Killed by Close Combat Fire
Joann Fably/Human Female

Marine Commando
Killed by Close Combat Fire
Varoic/Vulcan Male

USS Freedom's First Officer
Broken Neck

Fleet Commander
Shot by Jem Hadar
Moug/Klingon Male

Marine Commanding General
Shot by Jem Hader
Paul Righting/Human Male

Intell Corps Dept Head
Debris landed on him and killed him