Officer Ranks
Fleet Admiral-FADM

Fleet General-FGEN



*Lieutenant Admiral-LTADM

No Rank
There is no Marine Equivalant.

Lieutenant General-LTGEN

Rear Admiral-RADM

Major General-MAJGEN


Brigadiar General-BGEN

*Fleet Captain-FCAPT

*Fleet Colonel-FCOL



*Captain Junior Grade-CAPTJG

No Rank
There is no Marine Equivalant.

Lieutenant Colonel-LTCOL

Lieuteanant Commander-LCDR




Lieutenant Junior Grade-LTJG

1st Lieutenant-1st LT


2nd Lieutenant-2nd LT

Warrant Officer Ranks
*The ranks of Lieutenant Admiral, Fleet Captain, and Captain Junior Grade can be skipped. The ranks
are used as needed basis.
*The rank of Lieutenant Admiral is very unique. It has all the responcibilities and privledges of
a full Admiral. The main thing is that it can command Marine Generals and Marine commanded ships.
*Captain Junior Grade is for when an Flag Officer commands a starship and needs someone above Commander
to help run the ship.
*Fleet Captain is in command of a number of ships if there are no higher ranks available. Also the
Fleet Captain works very closly with the Fleet Admiral if the Fleet has a Fleet Captain. Also there is the marine
rank equaivlant to Fleet Captain is Fleet Colonel. They have the same responsibilites as a Fleet Captain. The ranks
of both Fleet Captain and Fleet Colonel can be skiped to the next rank.
The rank of Warent Officer is a seasoned enlisted man that is an expert in his trade. Any Chief
or above can get promoted to this rank.
Commanders and above of all branchs are trained to command a ship. If they are not of a bridge
branch then only in a time of crisis or as needed basis.
All ranks that are not classic starfleet appear as the US Military of the early 21st Century and the titles
to match. They are Marines and they are specilized in training. If someone is a Marine Piolt then they are specfically
trained in combat piloting. Regular Starfleet can do that too, but the Marine Corps is smaller that is way they are
outnumbered. They serve in whatever position there rank and skills allow.
The provisioal ranks that were introduced by Captain Janeway when her ship was lost in the Delta Quadrant
are now in full swing. Any former Maquis or any other individual with ships experience wishing to jion starfleet will
be given a provisional rank accordingly. Also it is for species that typically serve in orzinationations against starfleet.