Wallace Class Shuttle Craft
Wallace Class Patrol Vessel |

Expected Duration: 50 years Time Between Resupply: 3 years Time Between Refit: 6 years
Personnel Officers: 3 Enlisted Crew: 12 Marines: 0 Maximum (Evacuation) Capacity: 30
Speed Cruising Velocity: Warp 4.5 Maximum Velocity: Warp 6.9 Emergency Velocity: Warp 8 (for 12 hours)
Dimensions Length: 80 metres Width: 60 metres Height: 10 metres Decks: 2
Armament Defensive Systems Ablative Armour Phasers Type U Pulse: 2 Type VII Array: 4 Shielding Systems Auto-Modulating Shields Metaphasic Shielding Torpedoes Pulse-Fire Torpedo Launcher Quantum Torpedoes: 10 Photon Torpedoes: 15
Ship has a 3rd subdeck for access to ships systems
Description After the close of the Dominion War, with the Borg threat dwindling, fringe Starfleet outposts became rife with traffic
of all types. The majority of this traffic was civilian cargo and exploratory craft, but also included supplies for Federation
colonies and visiting Starfleet starships. As the workload of station traffic controllers increased, a call was made for a
better method of policing the starsystems outposts occupied. Pirate raids or illegal activity in these systems were becoming
hard to control. The Defiant class, now deployed as a station support vessel, did not accurately fill the role of a systems
patrol vehicle. It was a warship that required a full crew and constant maintenance. In 2379, Starfleet Advanced Design Bureau
issued a request to its design teams to design a ship to fill the void between shuttlecraft and starship. With a combined
design team of Defiant, Sovereign, and Hornet class team experience, the 10 person group began initial design of a spaceframe
that utilized a egg-shaped core structure. After simulated warp testing, the design was stretched to resemble an oval with
two sharp ends. Warp nacelles and armor were based on previous off-the-shelf technology and did not warrant new discoveries.
The NX Wallace, launched late 2380, fulfilled all of the requirements set by Starfleet. It was capable of
being constructed in a spacestation-sized hangar bay with Industrial replicators or could be built in a spacedock if needed.
The design was compact, and its intent was for short in-system missions. For this reason, the warp drive is not especially
powerful, but rather boasts a modest speed capable of Warp 6.8, well above the average civilian freighter. Weapons systems
were also standard components, although to maximize the usefulness of the torpedo launcher, it was placed in a retractable
turret on the bottom of the craft, capable of swinging 360 degrees. Mounted opposite the torpedo launcher on the turret is
a powerful tractor beam, taken directly from Sovereign designs and connected directly to the ship's core power supply. The
deflector is ringed by sensors based off of the Nova Class sensor suite. The bridge is arranged like a normal starship with
a central chair for the Commanding Officer and stations around it. However, the front of the bridge has a combined window,
as a shuttle or runabout would, as well as a viewscreen HUD overlay. A ward room in the aft of the ship performs multiple
duties as briefing room, transporter pad, a simple galley, and medical bay. The lower deck contains the computer core, Main
Engineering, cargo space, and sensor stations. Rooms on the first and second decks hold small bunks that fold down from the
walls to be used as bunks. The ship is not, however, designed for long-term missions and these rooms are intended to be used
as cargo and triage spaces rather than quarters. The third subdeck contains access to the landing gear and turret, as well
as the emergency lifeboat subsystems. Six escape pods are located on the lower deck of the ship, and four are located on the
top deck.
Due to the design of this craft, a landing system was included. The engines for atmospheric flight are comparable
to the Danube or Talon runabout systems. The landing system also allows the Wallace to dock on external pads on stations and,
in some cases, dock directly to the hull of a starship.
Found on: Stardock Class Orbital/Deep Space Repair and Manufacturing Facility Colony Class Colony Ithaca Class Military Waypoint
and Resupply Facility Celestial Class Military Waypoint and Resupply Facility
Type 11 Class Shuttle Craft
Type 11 Class Shuttle |

Crew: 2 Passengers: 10
Speed Cruising Velocity: Warp 6.0 Maximum Velocity: Warp 6.5 Emergency Velocity: Warp 7.5 (for 3 hours)
Dimensions Length: 14.64 metres Width: 7.26 metres Height: 4.5 metres Decks: 1
Armament Micro-Torpedoes Micro-Torpedo Launchers: 2 Micro-Quantum Torpedoes: 20 Micro-Photon Torpedoes: 40 Phasers Type V Array: 3 Shielding Systems Light Shielding System
Found on: Ambassador Class Heavy Cruiser Nebula Class Exploratory Cruiser Akira Class Heavy Cruiser Cheyenne Class Light
Cruiser Galaxy Class Explorer Prometheus Class Heavy Cruiser Steamrunner Class Light Explorer Sovereign Class
Explorer Regula Class Military Waypoint and Resupply Facility Stardock Class Orbital/Deep Space Repair and Manufacturing
Delta Flyer
Delta Flyer |

Talon Class Scout Vessel
Talon Class Scout Ship |

USS Ventury |
Talon Class Runabout
Category: Scout
Valkyrie Class Fighter
Valkyrie Class Fighter |

Personnel Crew: 2
Speed Cruising Velocity: Warp 2 Maximum Velocity: Warp 4 Emergency Velocity: Warp 7 (for 0.2 hours)
Dimensions Length: 19.13 metres Width: 14.56 metres Height: 2.89 metres Decks: 1
The Valkyrie-class entered service during the Dominion War, and went through a rapid development and deployment
phase in the opening months of the war. Until the outbreak of hostilities the Valkyrie program was delayed due to continued
debates over the role of fighter in Starfleet. Heavy losses in the opening of the war spurred Starfleet to approve and prioritize
the program in 2372.
The Valkyrie is based on an aerowing design, which is suitable for limited atmospheric flight. The smoothed
aerowing surface encases the twin warp nacelles and impulse engines. The cockpit incorporates features similar to a standard
Starfleet shuttlecraft, with additional mission specific equipment, and the incorporation of a manual steering column. The
cockpit also incorporates an Emergency Transporter system for the flight crew.
The two-man crew is composed of a pilot and gunner station, both working in tandem to maximize the Valkyrie's
systems. The flight suits the crew wears provide reserve life-support functions, and there has been no accommodations made
for crew relaxation or rest outside of their flight seats. The Valkyrie is small enough to operate from a standard Starfleet
shuttlebay, and it can also dock using the ventral docking port, which also serves as the crews' primary hatch.
The escape pod is incorporated into the forward fuselage/cockpit and is designed to separate from the engineering
section of the fighter. In case of catastrophic damage the crew can eject the forward 1/3 of the Valkyrie and get clear of
the explosion. In this mode, the cockpit can serve as a standard Starfleet escape pod, complete with reentry capabilities
and an encoded subspace distress beacon. The Valkyrie also features a low-powered tractor beam system. This allows the Valkyrie
to be used to retrieve escape pods, cargo, and allows it to tow other fighters back to the base of operations.
The Valkyrie is built around the Two Type U+ Pulse Phaser Cannons, which are considered its primary weapon
system. Two conventional Type V Phaser arrays have been incorporated along the Valkyrie's dorsal and ventral spine as defensive
weapons. The Type V Phasers are also intended to deter pursing spacecraft, and when an experienced pilot/gunner team utilizes
the Valkyrie's capabilities they can be used to herd enemies into firing position.
The Valkyrie's close-range weaponry has been augmented by the addition of two-microtorpedo launchers. These
are utilized during short-range strafing attacks, and when the Valkyrie is utilized to support Starfleet ground units and
a photon torpedo strike would endanger friendly and enemy units alike.
Found on:Akira Class Heavy Cruiser Celestial Class Military Waypoint and Resupply Facility
Type 10 Class Shuttle Craft
Type 10 Class Shuttle |

Type 10 Class Shuttle
Personnel Crew: 1 Passengers: 3
Speed Cruising Velocity: Warp 5.5 Maximum Velocity: Warp 5.8 Emergency Velocity: Warp 6.5 (for 3 hours)
Dimensions Length: 9.64 metres Width: 5.82 metres Height: 3.35 metres Decks: 1
Armament Micro-Torpedoes Micro-Torpedo Launchers: 2 Micro-Quantum Torpedoes: 15 Micro-Photon Torpedoes: 30 Phasers Type V Array: 4 Shielding Systems Light Shielding System
Description The Type-10 class marks one of those rare instances in Starfleet history that a shuttlecraft has been designed primarily
for military purposes. Starfleet shuttles do come equipped with limited defensive systems; but their primary mission profile
does not typically involve combat, but rather short-range personnel transfers, planetary ops, and limited deep space scouting,
and emergency starship escape. The Type-10 class, while sharing these capabilities, comes equipped with more powerful weapons
and larger warp coil assemblies for increased speed and is more heavily shielded. The Type-1O Class shuttlecraft can also
act in a tactical assistance role during combat, and provide a stronger defense for escape pods in the event a starship is
damaged or destroyed.
Building on the lessons learned from successful modifications to the Defiant-class, the Type-10 Class shuttlecraft
shares many similar systems with its "big sister" starship. The Type-10 shuttle's most noticeable Defiant-inspired feature
is its recessed, armored engine pods. No longer situated away from the hull on potentially vulnerable support pylons, the
protected engines eliminate a tactical weakness. Based on a Type-6 shuttle spaceframe design, the insides of the Type-10 more
closely resemble those of a starship. Subscale versions of starship warp and impulse propulsion systems give the Type-10 shuttlecraft
an impressive capacity for speed. Weapons systems include standard phaser arrays, but also feature the capability to launch
modified quantum torpedoes through micro-torpedo launchers. Onboard computer systems are based on a scaled-down version of
the computer core utilized by the Danube-class runabout.
Found on: Defiant Class Escort Steamrunner Class Light Explorer
Peregrine Class Fighter
Peregrine Class Fighter |

The Peregrine Fighter was Starfleet's first attempt at a heavy fighter design. It was developed in 2367
and designed to help in fleet actions by causing the enemy vessels to split their fire amongst multiple targets, whilst delivering
a powerful punch itself. Capable of a top cruise speed of warp 4.5 it has a similar speed to that of a Valkyrie, allowing
it to operate short distances away from its homebase or carrier vessel. However, it is common practice for these vessels to
be used at impulse.
During the Dominion war, the Peregrin was pressed into service and the class saw heavy losses. One of the
most prominent battles the Peregrin Class saw action in was the battle to reclaim Deep Space 9 from the Dominion-Cardassian
Although these ships come in several different models, Obsidian Fleet uses the two-man heavy fighter variant.
This design has two type U+ pulse phaser cannons as well as the type IV phaser. Optionally six full-sized photon/quantum torpedoes
may be used in addition to this- although this has an adverse effect on the ships maneuverability.
Found on: Celestial Class Military Waypoint and Resupply Facility
Broadsword Class Fighter
Broadsword Class Fighter |

1: Heavy Fighter: No pod, this is a default setting for the fighter and gives the best performance from
onboard systems
2: Assault Fighter: Two additional Type-U+ phaser emitter's shoulder mounted forward of Impulse Engines,
slightly reduces manoeuvrability
3: Light Bomber: Micro Tri-Cobalt launcher, under slung forward of Impulse Engines, 8 warheads, has a
negative effect on manoeuvrability; therefore the fighter should be escorted by faster craft
4: Light Bomber 2: 6 full sized Photon/Quantum Torpedoes under the wings. This has an adverse effect upon
the fighters manoeuvrability and should only be considered when placed in a bomber role (also see notes for 3)
Also: The fighter has six hard points under the wings and fuselage. These can carry any standard Starfleet
ordinance, but the fighter cannot carry any other pod at the same time as these hard points are used, these are used in weapon
configuration 4
Found on: Nebula Class Exploratory Cruiser Regula Class Military Waypoint and Resupply Facility Sovereign Class Explorer Akira
Class Heavy Cruiser Celestial Class Military Waypoint and Resupply Facility
Danube Class Runabout
Danube Class Runabout |

Personnel Crew: 2 Passengers: 10
Speed Cruising Velocity: Warp 4 Maximum Velocity: Warp 5.5 Emergency Velocity: Warp 6 (for 7 hours)
Dimensions Length: 23.1 metres Width: 12.7 metres Height: 5.4 metres Decks: 1
Armament Micro-Torpedoes Micro-Torpedo Launchers: 2 Micro-Quantum Torpedoes: 12 Micro-Photon Torpedoes: 12 Phasers Type VII Array: 2 Shielding Systems Auto-Modulating Shields Metaphasic Shielding
Description The Starfleet Runabout is a development of the warp capable shuttle craft which have been in use since the earliest days
of the Federation. The first requirement for the Runabout, issued in 2342, called for a vessel based on the Type 9A cargo
shuttle but capable of short and medium range interstellar operations carrying out limited spatial and planetary surveys.
The fuselage was lengthened from 10.5 to 14.8 metres, allowing a much larger antimatter fuel cell to be installed to increase
the vessels endurance from 36 hours to fifteen days at Warp 2.2. The two person emergency transporter was replaced by a one
person fully functional model, and the rear of the cargo bay was fitted with four bunks. The remaining cargo space was used
to expand the front cabin and install extra electronics systems.
The Type 10 Runabout proved reasonably successful in service, though the small cabin size limited its operations
somewhat. Starfleet has gradually enlarged and improved the Runabout concept over the next twenty years or so, culminating
in the Danube class Runabout first requested in 2363. This vehicle was designed to accomplish four main missions; the ability
to perform rapid response scientific expedition transportation, the ability to act as an orbital or landed temporary operations
base for science missions, the ability to transport intact experiment and cargo modules, and the ability to perform tactical
missions such as intelligence gathering, covert insertion/extraction of personnel, and disruption of threat activities where
The Danube features a front cabin for the crew of pilot, co-pilot/navigator and two mission specialists. A
two person transporter is at the rear of the cabin, with swappable mission modules aft of this. The modular nature of the
Danube allows it to be configured for missions such as personnel transport, cargo transport, scientific research, tactical,
medical, etc. Above the main spaces is the warp core, which is fed by an antimatter fuel pod at the aft and its matter equivalent
at the fore end. The power transfer conduits run down the bulky nacelle roots, which also contain the impulse drive reactors
and various other equipment.
The impulse engines comprise two sets of four fusion reactors, plus space-time drive coils and vectored exhaust
directors. The system also includes interstellar or atmospheric intake vents and condenser-separators for fuel distillation.
Control and fuel feed connections are essentially identical to any comparable impulse system. When maintenance is required,
the entire assembly can be removed as a single unit.
The vehicles twin computer core is located under the cockpit subfloor and measures 2.3 x 2.1 x 1.3 metres.
It is a standard isolinear unit, with a total of 186 isolinear banks and 53 command pre-processors and data analysis units.
Subnodes distributed throughout the vehicle report to the main computer via a standard ODN system.
The Danube's tactical systems are surprisingly comprehensive for a vehicle of its size. The microtorpedo launchers
fire 14 cm torpedoes with photon or quantum warheads. If required the Danube can also carry four full size torpedoes. As on
a starship, the shield system is fed by a portion of the warp power output.
Found on: Ambassador Class Heavy Cruiser Akira Class Heavy Cruiser Galaxy Class Explorer Nebula Class Exploratory Cruiser Sovereign
Class Explorer Stardock Class Orbital/Deep Space Repair and Manufacturing Facility
Type 9 Class Shuttle Craft
Type 9 Shuttle Craft |

Personnel Crew: 2 Passengers: 2
Speed Cruising Velocity: Warp 5 Maximum Velocity: Warp 5.4 Emergency Velocity: Warp 5.8 (for 3 hours)
Dimensions Length: 9.17 metres Width: 3.8 metres Height: 2.95 metres Decks: 0
Armament Micro-Torpedoes Micro-Torpedo Launchers: 2 Micro-Photon Torpedoes: 30 Phasers Type IV Array: 3 Shielding Systems Light Shielding System
Found on: Ambassador Class Heavy Cruiser Nebula Class Exploratory Cruiser Akira Class Heavy Cruiser Cheyenne Class Light
Cruiser Excelsior Class Exploratory Cruiser Galaxy Class Explorer Nova Class Surveyor Intrepid Class Light Explorer New
Orleans Class Frigate Norway Class Light Cruiser Prometheus Class Heavy Cruiser Sovereign Class Explorer
Soverign Class Captain's Yacht
USS Billings Captains Yacht |

USS Markcona NCC-7962 |
Personnel Crew: 4 Passengers: 20
Speed Cruising Velocity: Warp 4.5 Maximum Velocity: Warp 5 Emergency Velocity: Warp 5.5 (for 12 hours)
Dimensions Length: 50 metres Width: 22.5 metres Height: 12 metres Decks: 1
Armament Micro-Torpedoes Micro-Torpedo Launchers Micro-Quantum Torpedoes: 30 Phasers Type V Array: 5 Shielding Systems Light Shielding System
While primarily the yacht-type utilised on the Sovereign Class, this vessel can be found elsewhere. Unlike the
Sovereign Class, however, other ship classes will not list this craft in their auxiliary craft complements.
Description Mounted in a recessed docking port in the underside of the primary hull, the Sovereign-class Captain's Yacht serves dual
purposes. A situation to be dealt with by the captain of a starship does not always require the entire ship to accompany him
or her, or the ship may have a more important mission to accomplish. In these cases, the Captain's Yacht provides a long-range
craft that is capable enough to function without its primary vessel. Be it a simple excursion to get away from the stresses
of command, or a run to retrieve or deliver VIPs, the yacht serves as an extendable arm of the Sovereign class.
Facilities include six sleeping bunks and a comfortable passenger cabin. A replicator and flight couches provide
for the needs of the passengers and a two-person transporter allows for beaming of personnel or cargo when needed. Atmospheric
flight capabilities allow this shuttle type to land on planetary surfaces.
Aerowing Class Shuttle
Aerowing Class Shuttle |

Personnel Crew: 6 Passengers: 10
Speed Cruising Velocity: Warp 3 Maximum Velocity: Warp 4 Emergency Velocity: Warp 5 (for 12 hours)
Dimensions Length: 24.8 metres Width: 29.6 metres Height: 4.1 metres Decks: 1
Armament Micro-Torpedoes Micro-Torpedo Launchers: 2 Micro-Photon Torpedoes: 25 Phasers Type VI Array: 4 Shielding Systems Light Shielding System
Description Mounted on the underside of the saucer section, the Aerowing rests in a recessed hatchway just aft of the ventral sensor
array. The craft serves in the capacity of a runabout aboard larger ships. In fact the Aerowing's technology and design is
based, in large part, on the Danube class runabout.
The Aerowing provides a large secondary craft, long-range travel, and the protection, armament, and sensor
capabilities beyond that of a standard auxiliary shuttle. Facilities include two sleeping bunks and a standard runabout passenger
cabin. A replicator and flight couches provide for the needs of the passengers and a two-person transporter allows for beaming
of personnel or cargo when needed. Atmospheric flight capabilities allow this shuttle type to land on planetary surfaces.
Found on: Intrepid Class Light Explorer
Razor Intercepter
Razor Intercepter |

Expected Duration: 0 years Time Between
Resupply: 0 years Time Between Refit: 0 years
Personnel Crew: 1
Speed Cruising Velocity: Warp 1 Maximum
Velocity: Warp 2 Emergency Velocity: Warp 4 (for 6 hours)
Dimensions Length: 6 metres Width: 4.5 metres Height:
4 metres Decks: 1
Armament Defensive Systems Ablative Armour Micro-Torpedoes Torpedo Casings in Wings: 8 Phasers Type U+ Micro-Pulse: 2 Shielding Systems Light Shielding System
Argo Transport
Argo Transport |

The shuttlecraft entered active service in 2378 and is currently seeing limited deployment in a limited number
of heavy cruisers and explorer type vessels. The design is fairly conventional for a Starfleet shuttle with technology taken
from existing shuttles. However, there are some differences with the Argo Shuttle. The warp nacelles are more integrated with
the body instead of extended from them (usually the norm for Federation shuttles.) This increases the protection on her nacelles.
She also has folding winglets that helps the Argo during atmospheric flight. The big difference is the aft cargo dock that
has room for the Argo, a ground based All Terrain Vehicle (ATV), An Anti-grav vehicle for movement of cargo across both land
and water, and two smaller anti-grav vehicles for individual purposes.
Like any other shuttlecraft, the Argo has the standard warp propulsion system, impulse engines, shields, phaser
emitters, and two micro torpedo launchers. Due to her size she is not as fast or as maneuverable as other shuttlecraft.
Found on: New Orleans Class Frigate Stardock Class Orbital/Deep Space Repair and Manufacturing Facility Celestial Class Military
Waypoint and Resupply Facility Galaxy Class Explorer Sovereign Class Explorer
Type 8 Class Shuttlecraft
Class 8 Shuttle |

Type 8 Class Shuttle
Category: Shuttle
PersonnelCrew: 2 Passengers: 6 SpeedCruising Velocity: Warp 2.6 Maximum Velocity: Warp 3 Emergency Velocity: Warp 4 (for 36 hours) DimensionsLength: 6 metres Width: 4.4 metres Height: 2.7 metres Decks: 0 ArmamentPhasers Type V Array: 2 Shielding Systems Light Shielding SystemFound on:Nebula Class Exploratory Cruiser Galaxy Class Explorer Intrepid Class Light Explorer Sovereign Class Explorer
Type 18 Class Shuttle Craft
Type 18 Class Shuttle |

Type 18 Class Shuttle
Category: Shuttlepod
Speed Cruising Velocity: Warp 2.5 Maximum Velocity: Warp 3 Emergency Velocity: Warp 4 (for 3 hours)
Dimensions Length: 4.5 metres Width: 3.1 metres Height: 1.8 metres Decks: 0
Armament Phasers Type V Array: 3 Shielding Systems Light Shielding System
Description As part of the design work of the Defiant and Type-10 Shuttles, the Type-18 represents some of the newer engineering practices
in Starfleet. There are several key design changes from the Type 15 in the Type 18: impulse engines are mounted as pods which
better armour them and protect them from damage, the Type 18 can has larger life support systems, and the Type 18 is much
more heavily armed than the Type 15. The Type 18\'s phasers are mounted as a turret on the top of the shuttlepod and it was
designed to be swappable and removable from the hull. This is not a combat-ready shuttle, however, because of its very light
shielding. The phasers were added to the design to allow the shuttlepod to fulfil some of the more vigorous assignments that
fell into the role of the shuttlepod, such as debris clearance, escaping from battle, and short-range inspections and scouting.
Found on: Defiant Class Escort Prometheus Class Heavy Cruiser
Galaxy Class Captain's Yacht
USS Boliva Captains Yacht NCC-2154 |

USS Vister NCC-2100 |
Personnel Crew: 3 Passengers: 4
Speed Cruising Velocity: Warp 1 Maximum Velocity: Warp 2 Emergency Velocity: Warp 2.5 (for 3 hours)
Dimensions Length: 18 metres Width: 10 metres Height: 8 metres Decks: 2
Armament Two type IV Arrays
While primarily the yacht-type utilised on the Galaxy Class, this vessel can be found elsewhere.
Unlike the Galaxy Class, however, other ship classes will not list this craft in their auxiliary craft complements. This vessel
can be found on the Normandy Class.
Description Galaxy-class vessels are equipped with an auxiliary spacecraft normally used for diplomatic missions called the Captain's
Yacht. Much larger then a shuttlecraft, the Captain's Yacht is mounted on the underside of the ship's saucer section where
it remains docked during normal flight operations. Access to the Yacht is provided through dorsal entry hatch affixed to a
docking collar on the upper half of the craft. It is essentially divided into two decks, with the bottom deck housing a toroidal
driver coil-based impulse propulsion system, two landing legs for planetary landings, a series of aerodyne flight motors for
atmospheric flight as well as fuel and maintenance access to various subsystems.
Manned by a normal flight crew of two and one service representative to assist diplomatic guests, the upper
deck houses a flight deck, two modest staterooms, flight crew bunks, and a galley. While not equipped with any means of warp
propulsion, the Yacht is specially designed so that it can be launched from its parent ships at speeds as high as Warp 7,
where it then coasts down to normal impulse speeds. A deflector system and onboard sensor pallets make the craft suitable
for short-range travel. Used normally to transport dignitaries to and from a planet's surface when normal transporter use
is not possible, the Yacht is capable of atmospheric flight and planetary landing. Entry/egress platforms on both ends of
the craft allow the crew to easily enter and exit the craft.
Some modern versions of the Captain's Yacht are being equipped with two-person short-range transporter systems.
Wyvern Hopper Class Transport
Wyvern Hopper Class Transport |

Personnel Crew: 2 Passengers: 30
Impulse Speeds Only
Dimensions Length: 20.2 metres Width: 8.6 metres Height: 3.5 metres Decks: 0
Armament Defensive Systems Ablative Armour Phasers Type U+ Micro-Pulse: 2 Shielding Systems Light Shielding System
Description Best known by the term "Hopper", the Wyvern Class Transport can carry 30 fully armed marines from a starship to the ground.
Larger versions do exist to carry more troops and heavy cargo such as ground assault vehicles, or cargo runabouts such as
the Vimy Ridge class of runabout can be deployed.
To ensure the rapid deployment of troops, the Hopper comes with personnel transporters capable of placing
a fire-team of marines down anywhere on a planet of a similar size to Earth. Alternatively, the Hopper can land, and marines
can exit the vessel through the side doors, which also double as ramps.
Larger vessels carry Wyverns in their shuttlebay. Once the carrier vessel has reached its destination, it
can open it's doors and allow the Wyvern to "drop" into the atmosphere. Wyvern's come with high-powered impulse engines to
allow them to reach the safety of the carrier vessel; although in an atmosphere they resort to conventional atmospheric thrusters.
The Hoppers navigational computer is specifically designed to spot and guide the vessel to suitable Landing Zones (LZs) to
quickly allow the deployment of marines.
Found on: Nebula Class Exploratory Cruiser Stardock Class Orbital/Deep Space Repair and Manufacturing Facility Sovereign Class
Explorer Galaxy Class Explorer Akira Class Heavy Cruiser Cheyenne Class Light Cruiser
Type 15 Shuttlepod
Type 15 Shuttle Craft |

Impulse Speed Only DimensionsLength: 3.6 metres Width: 2.4 metres Height: 1.6 metres Decks: 0 ArmamentPhasers Type IV Array: 2 DescriptionThe Type 15 Pod is a two person craft used to carry people and cargo over short distances, as well as to inspect starships,
stations and other Federation facilities from space. It has no warp drive, and very little in the way of weaponry, making
it unsuitable for travelling between planets or over any great distance. Traditionally, Type 15's are used for routine flights
between ships and stations, or to carry personnel to planetside facilities. Found on:Nebula Class Exploratory Cruiser Stardock Class Orbital/Deep Space Repair and Manufacturing Facility