Alpha Omega Fleet

Specs of an Ambassador Class Ship

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Ambassador Class Starship

Category: Heavy Cruiser

Ambassdor Class

Expected Duration: 75 years
Time Between Resupply: 4 years
Time Between Refit: 8 years

Officers: 150
Enlisted Crew: 500
Marines: 108
Passengers: 100

Cruising Velocity: Warp 6
Maximum Velocity: Warp 8.8
Emergency Velocity: Warp 9.2 (for 12 hours)

Length: 526 metres
Width: 320 metres
Height: 125 metres
Decks: 36

Auxiliary Craft
Shuttlebays: 2
   Razor Interceptor: 4
   Danube Runabout: 2
   Delta Flyer Runabout: 1
   Type 11 Shuttle: 4
   Type 15 Shuttlepod: 3
   Type 7 Shuttle: 2
   Type 8 Shuttle: 2
   Type 9 Shuttle: 4
   Wyvern Hopper Transport: 1

Defensive Systems
   Type IX Array: 10
Shielding Systems
   Auto-Modulating Shields
   Metaphasic Shielding
   Burst-Fire Torpedo Launcher: 2
      Quantum Torpedoes: 60
      Photon Torpedoes: 200
   Tri-Cobalt Devices: 10

Deck Listing:

Deck Description
1 Main Bridge, Captain's Ready Room, Observation Lounge 
2 Captain's Quarters, First Officer's Quarters, First Officer's Office, Chief Operations Officer's Office, Conference Room 
3 VIP Guest Quarters, Large Conference Room, Auditorium, Transporter Room 1, Holodecks 1 & 2 
4 Main Shuttlebay, Shuttle Repair Unit, Cargo Bays 1 & 2, Primary Communications Array, Weapons Storage 
5 Primary and Secondary Computer Systems Monitoring Room, Main Computer Core (Level 1), Guest Quarters 
6 Water Reprocessing Facility 1, Personnel Transporter Room 2, Main Computer Core (Level 2), Guest Quarters/Emergency Medical Units 
7 Gymnasium, Natatorium, Mess Hall, Galley Crew Quarters, Main Computer Core (Level 3), Conference Room 2, Secondary Tractor Beam Emitter 
8 Crew Quarters, Child Care Centre, School, Computer and Equipment Storage Bays, Main Computer Core (Level 4) 
9 Life Support and Environmental Control 1, Attached Personnel/Colony Quarters, Emergency Supply Storage, Interim Deuterium Supply, Waste Reprocessing Facility 1, Main Computer Core (Level 5), "Nine Forward" 
10 Security Training, Weapons Practice Range, Weapons Storage, Security Officer's Office, Brig, Secondary Communications Array 
11 Primary SIF Generators, Primary IDF Generators, Holodecks 3 & 4, Attached Personnel/Colony Quarters, Life Support and Environmental Control 2 
12 Replicator Control, Main Sickbay, CMO's Office, Medical Supply Storage, Med Lab 1, Med Lab 2, Holographic Simulator Rooms 1-5, Crew Quarters 
13 Waste Reprocessing Facility 2, Stellar Cartography, Astrophysics, Crew Quarters 
14 Sociology Department, Counsellor's Office, Customisable Science Lab 1, Chemistry Labs 1 & 2, Transporter Rooms 3 & 4, Crew Quarters 
15 Particle Lab, Geology Lab, Biology Labs 1 & 2, Customisable Science Labs 2 & 3, Hazardous Material Storage, Containment Lab Suites 1 & 2 
16 Plant Sciences Department, Arboretum, Botany Lab, Hydroponics Lab and Gardens, Main Impulse Engines, Fusion Reactors, Engine Control Room, Captain's Yacht 
17 Auxiliary Sickbay, Zoology Lab, Public Replicators, Customisable Science Labs 4-6, Deuterium Storage Tanks 
18 Deuterium Storage Tanks, Crew Quarters, Auxiliary Deflector Control, Maintenance Bay 1 
19 Fabricating Shop, Deuterium Storage Tanks, Deuterium Injectors 
20 Ship's Stores, Crew Quarters, Engineering Hardware Replicators 
21 Forward Torpedo Launcher, Torpedo Storage and Loading, Torpedo Modification, Computer Research Lab 
22 Helm Training, Adult Classrooms, Crew Quarters, Attached Personnel/Colony Quarters 
23 Crew Quarters, Cargo Bays 3 & 4, Maintenance Bay 2 
24 Water Recycling Facility 2, Life Support and Environmental Control 3 
25 Shuttlebay 2, Shuttle Storage, Crew Quarters 
26 Graviton Deflector Generators, Shuttle Storage and Maintenance 
27 Main Engineering, Chief Engineer's Office, Main Navigational Deflector, Aft Torpedo Launcher, Torpedo Storage 
28 Graviton Deflector Generators, Secondary Hardware Replicators 
29 Deuterium Storage Tanks, Large Meeting Room 
30 Lateral Sensor Array, Auxiliary Computer Core (Level 1) 
31 Engineering Parts and Equipment Storage, Engineering Labs, Maintenance Bay 3, Auxiliary Computer Core (Level 2) 
32 Secondary SIF Generators, Astrophysics Lab, Materials Testing Lab, Auxiliary Computer Core (Level 3) 
33 Holographic Simulation Rooms 11-20, Attached Personnel/Colony Quarters, Secondary IDF Generators 
34 Waste Reprocessing Facility 3, Secondary Replicator Systems Control 
35 Sensor Analysis Labs, Emergency Personnel Transporter 1, Hazardous Material Storage and Containment, Sensor Instrument Bays, Antimatter Injectors, Antimatter Storage Pods 
36 Antimatter Storage Pods, Antimatter Generator, Emergency Food Rations Storage, Emergency Personnel Transporter 2, Emergency Power Facility, Main Tractor Beam Emitter 

The year is 2379 four year after the end of the Dominion War.  It is Alpha Omega Fleet's job to patoral the areas and to keep Federation space secure.