Ambassador Class Starship
Category: Heavy Cruiser
Ambassdor Class |

Deck |
Description |
1 |
Main Bridge, Captain's Ready Room, Observation Lounge |
2 |
Captain's Quarters, First Officer's Quarters, First Officer's Office, Chief Operations Officer's Office, Conference
Room |
3 |
VIP Guest Quarters, Large Conference Room, Auditorium, Transporter Room 1, Holodecks 1 & 2 |
4 |
Main Shuttlebay, Shuttle Repair Unit, Cargo Bays 1 & 2, Primary Communications Array, Weapons Storage |
5 |
Primary and Secondary Computer Systems Monitoring Room, Main Computer Core (Level 1), Guest Quarters |
6 |
Water Reprocessing Facility 1, Personnel Transporter Room 2, Main Computer Core (Level 2), Guest Quarters/Emergency
Medical Units |
7 |
Gymnasium, Natatorium, Mess Hall, Galley Crew Quarters, Main Computer Core (Level 3), Conference Room 2, Secondary
Tractor Beam Emitter |
8 |
Crew Quarters, Child Care Centre, School, Computer and Equipment Storage Bays, Main Computer Core (Level 4) |
9 |
Life Support and Environmental Control 1, Attached Personnel/Colony Quarters, Emergency Supply Storage, Interim
Deuterium Supply, Waste Reprocessing Facility 1, Main Computer Core (Level 5), "Nine Forward" |
10 |
Security Training, Weapons Practice Range, Weapons Storage, Security Officer's Office, Brig, Secondary Communications
Array |
11 |
Primary SIF Generators, Primary IDF Generators, Holodecks 3 & 4, Attached Personnel/Colony Quarters, Life
Support and Environmental Control 2 |
12 |
Replicator Control, Main Sickbay, CMO's Office, Medical Supply Storage, Med Lab 1, Med Lab 2, Holographic Simulator
Rooms 1-5, Crew Quarters |
13 |
Waste Reprocessing Facility 2, Stellar Cartography, Astrophysics, Crew Quarters |
14 |
Sociology Department, Counsellor's Office, Customisable Science Lab 1, Chemistry Labs 1 & 2, Transporter
Rooms 3 & 4, Crew Quarters |
15 |
Particle Lab, Geology Lab, Biology Labs 1 & 2, Customisable Science Labs 2 & 3, Hazardous Material
Storage, Containment Lab Suites 1 & 2 |
16 |
Plant Sciences Department, Arboretum, Botany Lab, Hydroponics Lab and Gardens, Main Impulse Engines, Fusion
Reactors, Engine Control Room, Captain's Yacht |
17 |
Auxiliary Sickbay, Zoology Lab, Public Replicators, Customisable Science Labs 4-6, Deuterium Storage Tanks |
18 |
Deuterium Storage Tanks, Crew Quarters, Auxiliary Deflector Control, Maintenance Bay 1 |
19 |
Fabricating Shop, Deuterium Storage Tanks, Deuterium Injectors |
20 |
Ship's Stores, Crew Quarters, Engineering Hardware Replicators |
21 |
Forward Torpedo Launcher, Torpedo Storage and Loading, Torpedo Modification, Computer Research Lab |
22 |
Helm Training, Adult Classrooms, Crew Quarters, Attached Personnel/Colony Quarters |
23 |
Crew Quarters, Cargo Bays 3 & 4, Maintenance Bay 2 |
24 |
Water Recycling Facility 2, Life Support and Environmental Control 3 |
25 |
Shuttlebay 2, Shuttle Storage, Crew Quarters |
26 |
Graviton Deflector Generators, Shuttle Storage and Maintenance |
27 |
Main Engineering, Chief Engineer's Office, Main Navigational Deflector, Aft Torpedo Launcher, Torpedo Storage |
28 |
Graviton Deflector Generators, Secondary Hardware Replicators |
29 |
Deuterium Storage Tanks, Large Meeting Room |
30 |
Lateral Sensor Array, Auxiliary Computer Core (Level 1) |
31 |
Engineering Parts and Equipment Storage, Engineering Labs, Maintenance Bay 3, Auxiliary Computer Core (Level
2) |
32 |
Secondary SIF Generators, Astrophysics Lab, Materials Testing Lab, Auxiliary Computer Core (Level 3) |
33 |
Holographic Simulation Rooms 11-20, Attached Personnel/Colony Quarters, Secondary IDF Generators |
34 |
Waste Reprocessing Facility 3, Secondary Replicator Systems Control |
35 |
Sensor Analysis Labs, Emergency Personnel Transporter 1, Hazardous Material Storage and Containment, Sensor
Instrument Bays, Antimatter Injectors, Antimatter Storage Pods |
36 |
Antimatter Storage Pods, Antimatter Generator, Emergency Food Rations Storage, Emergency Personnel Transporter
2, Emergency Power Facility, Main Tractor Beam Emitter |