USS Tower |

NCC-1900 |
Expected Duration: 80 years Time Between Resupply: 6 Months
Time Between Refit: 5 years PersonnelOfficers: 5
SpeedCruising Velocity: Warp 7.0
Maximum Velocity: Warp 9.2 Emergency Velocity: Warp 9.975 (for 24 hours) DimensionsLength: 190 metres Width: 193 metres Height: 42 metres Decks: 6 Auxiliary CraftShuttlebays: 1 Shuttles Type 9 Shuttle: 2
The Raven Class vessel is lightly armed, but very technoigical advanced, heavy automation. Only 5
officers needed to crew the ship. One officer could run effectevly.
Deck |
Description |
1 |
Main Bridge, Captain's Ready Room, Conference Room, Primary Sensor Array, Primary Communications
Array |
2 |
Quarters, Lounge, Transporter 1, Auxiliary Deflector Controls |
3 |
Computer Facilities Center, Armoury, Department Offices, Guest Quarters,Holodeck 1, Brig |
4 |
Science Labs, Medical Labs, Astrometrics/Stellar Cartography, Main Sickbay, Gym, Crew Lounge, Mess
Hall 1 |
5 |
Cargo Bay 1, Transporter Room 2, Forward Torpedo Launchers, Mess Hall 2, Deuterium
Storage, Deuterium Injection Assembly |
6 |
Cargo Bay 2, Secondary Sickbay, Life Support Systems, Holodeck 2, Shuttlebay |
7 |
Upper Level Computer Core, Main Engineering, Aft Torpedo Launcher, Main Deflector Controls,
Navigational Deflector, Primary Tractor Beam Emitter |
8 |
Lower Level Computer Core, Lower Level Engineering, Engineering Transporters/Replicators,
Cargo Transporter |
9 |
Cargo Bay 3/Parts Storage, Warp Core Ejection Hatch, Antimatter Storage, Antimatter Injection
Assembly, Secondary Tractor Beam Emitter |