Defaint Class Starship |

Ship Database
Defiant Class Starship
Please note, due to design limitations, the Defiant class cannot land on a planetary body. It is also unsuited
for atmospheric flight, and this should be avoided wherever possible. Landing struts are primarily used while docked internally
with a large starbase.
Deck Listing:
Deck |
Description |
1 |
Main Bridge, Captain's Ready Room, Transporter Room 1, Pulse Phaser Cannon (2), Upper Main Engineering, Plasma
Exhaust Vents, Upper Sensor Array, Officer and Crew Quarters, Escape Pods, Deuterium Storage |
2 |
Lower Main Engineering, Main Impulse Engines, Computer Core (Level 1), Targeting Sensors, Torpedo Magazines,
Forward Torpedo Launchers (2), Mess Hall, Warp Coils, Med/Science Lab, Sickbay, Transporter Room 2, Officer and Crew Quarters,
Deflector Control Room |
3 |
Main Impulse Engines, Shuttle Maintenance and Shuttlebay Elevator System, Computer Core (Level 2), Antimatter
Storage, Cargos Bays 1-4, Airlocks (2), Torpedo Magazine, Warp Coils |
4 |
Landing Struts, Navigational Deflector, Pulse Phaser Cannon (2), Aft Torpedo Launcher, Probe Launcher, Lower
Sensor Array, Shuttlebay Exterior Doors and Elevator System, Tractor Emitters, Warp Coils |