Alpha Omega Fleet

Specs of the Yeager Class Starship

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Command Crew of the USS Vengance
Command Crew of the USS Blair
Command Crew of the USS Meridian
Command Crew of the USS Yeager
Command Crew of the USS Lighting
Command Crew of the USS Ceaser
Command Crew of the USS Exeter
Command Crew of the USS Firebrand
Command Crew of the USS Leonardo
Command Crew of the USS Shadow
Command Crew of the USS Victory
Command Crew of the USS Atlanta
Command Crew of the USS Assult
Command Crew of the USS Dauntless
Command Crew of the USS Treehouse
Command Crew of the USS Valdier
Command Crew of the USS Tower
Command Crew of the USS Excalibur
Command Crew of the USS Cochrane
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Ship Database

Yeager Class Starship

Category: Light Explorer

Expected Duration: 89 years
Time Between Resupply: 1 years
Time Between Refit: 4 years

Officers: 35
Enlisted Crew: 115
Marines: 24
Passengers: 30

Cruising Velocity: Warp 6
Maximum Velocity: Warp 8.7
Emergency Velocity: Warp 9.1 (for 12 hours)

Length: 343 metres
Width: 133 metres
Height: 66 metres
Decks: 15
Auxiliary Craft
Shuttlebays: 1
   Delta Flyer Runabout: 1
   Aerowing Shuttle: 1
   Type 8 Shuttle: 2
   Type 9 Shuttle: 4

Defensive Systems
   Ablative Armour
   Cloaking Device
   Type IX Array: 12
Shielding Systems
   Auto-Modulating Shields
   Metaphasic Shielding
   Pulse-Fire Torpedo Launcher: 4
      Photon Torpedoes: 30
      Quantum Torpedoes: 20
   Tri-Cobalt Devices: 4

Deck Listing:
Deck Description
1 Main Bridge, Captain's Ready Room, Officers' Briefing Room, Escape Pods, Aft Bridge Airlock 
2 Officer's Mess, Main Mess Hall, Senior Officers' Quarters, VIP Quarters, Executive Officer's Office, Labs and Storage, Upper Sensor Platform, Escape Pods 
3 Captain's Quarters, Officers' Quarters, VIP Quarters, Equipment Storage, Upper Sensor Platform Subsystems, Torpedo Loading Maintenance, Testing Isolation Chamber, Turbolift Maintenance 
4 Crew quarters, Transporters Rooms 1 & 2, Aft Torpedo Launchers, Phaser Maintenance, Forward Sensor Pallet Subsystems 
5 Sickbay, Primary Sickbay Support Systems (ICU, Biohazard Support, Radiation Treatment Wards, Surgical Ward, Critical Care, Null-Gravity Treatment, Isolation Suites, etc.), Chief Medical Officer's Office, Counsellor's Office, Crew Quarters, Library, Holodecks 1 & 2, Primary Sensor Array, Escape Pods 
6 Crew Quarters, Non-Specific Science Laboratories 1-8, Auxiliary Deflector Control, Auxiliary Computer Core Upper Level, Power Distribution Centre 
7 Auxiliary Computer Core Lower Level, Cargo Bays 1 & 2 Upper Level, Labs, RCS Thruster Access, Maintenance Bay 1, Deuterium Storage, Deuterium Injectors 
8 Astrometrics, Chief Science Officer's Office, Deuterium Processing, Docking Ports, ODN/EPS Main Trunks, Cargo Bays 1 & 2 Lower Level, Deuterium Storage, Upper Premix Chamber, Aft Work Pod Storage 
9 Security, Brig, Armoury, Marine HQ, Marine Barracks, Cargo Loading Doors, Aerowing Shuttle Dock, Lateral Sensor Array, SIF Generators, Flight Control Centre 
10 Shuttlebay, Shuttle Maintenance, Aft EVA Airlock, Main Computer Core (Level 1), Forward Torpedo Launchers, Reserve Warp Engine Core Components 
11 Main Engineering, Chief Engineer's Office, Aft Lounge, Warp Core, Auxiliary Warp Engine Components, Main Computer Core (Level 2), Main Navigational Deflector 
12 Environmental Control, Antimatter Tanks, Main Deflector Control Systems, Main Computer Core (Level 3), IDF Generators 
13 Escape Pods, Secondary ODN/EPS Trunks, Maintenance Bay 2, Aft Tractor Beam Emitter 
14 Antimatter Injectors, Tractor Beam Subsystems, Escape Pods, Warp Core Ejection Hatch 
15 Antimatter Loading Port, Forward Tractor Beam Emitter, Tractor Beam Subsystems, Plasma Relay Control Rooms,


The year is 2379 four year after the end of the Dominion War.  It is Alpha Omega Fleet's job to patoral the areas and to keep Federation space secure.