Alpha Omega Fleet

Specs for a Soveregin Class Starship

Base Personnel and Staff
Command Crew of Deep Space 3 (Empok Nor)
Alliance Liasons
Support Crews of the Fleet at the Starbase
Fleet Ships
De-Commissioned Starfleet Ships
Destroyed Ships
Lost Ships
Command Crew of the USS Freedom
Command Crew of the USS Vortex
Command Crew of the USS Romans
Command Crew of the USS Vengance
Command Crew of the USS Blair
Command Crew of the USS Meridian
Command Crew of the USS Yeager
Command Crew of the USS Lighting
Command Crew of the USS Ceaser
Command Crew of the USS Exeter
Command Crew of the USS Firebrand
Command Crew of the USS Leonardo
Command Crew of the USS Shadow
Command Crew of the USS Victory
Command Crew of the USS Atlanta
Command Crew of the USS Assult
Command Crew of the USS Dauntless
Command Crew of the USS Treehouse
Command Crew of the USS Valdier
Command Crew of the USS Tower
Command Crew of the USS Excalibur
Command Crew of the USS Cochrane
Auxiliary Craft of Alpha Omega Fleet
Officer Uniforms of Alpha Omega Fleet
Enlisted Uniforms for Alpha Omega Fleet
Officer Ranks of Alpha Omega Fleet
Enlisted Ranks of Alpha Omega Fleet
The Enemy
Promotions in the Fleet!
Position Changes in the Fleet
Transfers in the fleet
Officers who left Alpha Omega Fleet
KIA Starfleet Officers
Lost Personnel
Fleet Forum
Technical Things

Sovereign Class

Expected Duration: 120 years
Time Between Resupply: 1 year
Time Between Refit: 10 years

Officers: 150
Enlisted Crew: 500
Marines: 216
Passengers: 150

Cruising Velocity: Warp 8
Maximum Velocity: Warp 9.9
Emergency Velocity: Warp 9.99 (for 36 hours)

Length: 685.2 metres
Width: 275 metres
Height: 120 metres
Decks: 24
Deck Description
1 Bridge, Captain's Ready Room, Observation Lounge, Airlock 
2 Captain's Quarters, Executive Officer's Quarters, Enlisted Affairs Office, Emergency Batteries, Weapons Locker  
3 Main Lounge, Senior Officers' Quarters, Aft Viewing Lounge, Communications Library, Officers' Quarters, Gymnasium 
4 Officers' Quarters, Crew Quarters, VIP Quarters, Transporter Rooms 1 & 2, Emergency Batteries, Life Support, Environmental Controls, Chief Operations Officer's Office 
5 Security Office, Brig, Armoury 1, Security Training Facilities, Chief Intelligence Officer's Office, Aft Tactical Sensors, Crew Quarters, Holodecks 1 & 2, Environmental Support Systems, Cargo Bay 1 
6 Main Computer Core (Level 1), Main Computer Core Control, Main Shuttlebay, Flight Control Room 1, Primary ODN Systems, Science Labs, Arboretum, Diplomatic Facilities, Civilian Quarters, Crew Quarters, Holodecks 3 & 4 
7 Main Computer Core (Level 2), Main Shuttlebay, Secondary ODN Systems, Astrometrics, Stellar Cartography, Main Science Lab, Chief Science Officer's Office, Counsellor's Office, Hydroponics Bay, Ship's Library, Civilian Quarters, School 
8 Main Computer Core (Level 3), Impulse Assembly, Fusion Reactors, Main Sickbay & Supports, Chief Medical Officer's Office, Weapons Locker, Engineering Lab, Shuttlebay Elevators, Upper Shuttle Maintenance & Storage, Forward Tactical Sensors 
9 Main Computer Core (Level 4), Impulse Engines, Impulse Driver Assembly, Warp Core Subsystems, Lower Shuttle Maintenance & Storage, Dorsal Docking Port, Emergency Transporters, Crew Quarters 
10 Impulse Assembly, Fusion Reactors, Deuterium Injectors, Auxiliary Fusion Reactor, Shuttle Repair & Machine Shop, Engineering Support Area, Industrial Replicators, Marine Barracks, Marine HQ, Armoury 2, Crew Quarters, Holodecks 5 & 6, Waste Management/Recycling Centre, Cargo Bays 2-5 
11 Auxiliary Deflector Controls, Shuttle Elevator Assembly, Airlock, Marine Barracks, Crew Quarters, Transporter Rooms 3 & 4, Airlocks, RCS Thrusters 
12 Auxiliary Deflector Array, Primary IDF Generators, Primary SIF Generators, Primary Shield Generators, Systems Support Compartment, Maintenance Bay 1 
13 Quantum Torpedo Turret Access, Torpedo Storage, Main Sensor Array, Deuterium Tanks, Power Distribution Subsystems, Science Labs, Mess Hall (Aft), Maintenance Bay 2 
14 Deuterium Tanks, Shuttlebay 2, Flight Control Room 2, Power Distribution Systems, Captain's Yacht Access, Turbolift Maintenance 
15 Secondary Computer Core (Level 1), Shuttlebay 2, Shuttle Storage, Graviton Generators 1 & 2, Deflector Assembly, Weapons Locker, Main Power Transfer Conduits, Transporter Room 5, Cargo Bays 6 & 7 
16 Secondary Computer Core (Level 2), Reserve Antimatter Storage, Graviton Generators 3 & 4, Main Navigational Deflector, Deflector Control, Main Engineering, Chief Engineering Officer's Office, Weapons Locker, Main Power Transfer Conduits, Warp Nacelle Access, Cargo Bays 8 & 9, Emergency Transporters 
17 Secondary Computer Core (Level 3), Aft Sensor Array, Graviton Generators 5 & 6, Deflector Assembly, Secondary Plasma Vent, Emergency Transporters 
18 Graviton Generators 7 & 8, Deflector Assembly, Auxiliary Shield Generators, Multi-purpose Chamber (Upper), Crew Quarters 
19 Lateral Sensors, Secondary Communications Array, Emergency Graviton Generators (2), Emergency Batteries, Complementary Deflector Assembly, Multi-purpose Chamber (Lower) 
20 Forward Torpedo Launchers (2), Torpedo Magazine, Probe Storage, Primary Communications Array, Tractor Beam Assembly, Turbolift Maintenance 
21 Antimatter Storage Pods, Forward Tractor Beam Emitter, Secondary IDF Generator, Secondary SIF Generator, Cargo Bay 10 (Upper) 
22 Antimatter Storage Pods, Antimatter Generator, Torpedo Magazine, Maintenance Bay 3, Cargo Bay 10 (Lower) 
23 Tractor Beam Assembly, Antimatter Generator, Antimatter Injectors, Secondary Sensor Array, Sensor Analysis Suite 
24 Tractor Beam Assembly, Aft Tractor Beam Emitter, Aft Torpedo Launchers (2), Torpedo Magazine, Warp Core Jettison Hatch


The year is 2379 four year after the end of the Dominion War.  It is Alpha Omega Fleet's job to patoral the areas and to keep Federation space secure.